

What are Segments?

Segments are real-time, dynamic groups of contacts who share the same qualities. You can think of them as a filtered list of contacts. Segments can be filtered by marketing activity, product actions, company data, demographic information, and calculated values such as seniority level and business department.

Creating a Segment

Navigate to the Segments tab on the left navigation bar, then click the ‘New segment’ button. 

Next, give your Segment a descriptive name for the group of contacts you’d like to see. You can always change the name if the goal of your Segment changes.

Now it’s time to start building your Segment. To do this, simply click on the ‘Add attribute’ button and select a field to start filtering by. 

As you add attributes, the number of contacts that match the conditions entered will dynamically appear on the right hand side. Flywheel will also show a sample list of contacts who match the conditions. Note that the number of matching accounts will not appear until the Segment has been saved. 

Analyzing segments via the Home page

Analytics for Segments is a powerful way to understand who finds success with your product and marketing. Now you can narrow down the Home page by any Segment you create in Flywheel. Simply navigate to the Home page, click "Filter by segment", and select the segment you want to see data for.

Supported filter fields for creating a segment

We are always adding support for more filter fields. If there is a field you feel should be available but is not yet, please email us at and we’ll reach out to you shortly.

Contact fields

The Title field is synced from CRM integrations such as HubSpot, Salesforce, or Intercom. Flywheel uses the Title field to compute the Level and Department of each contact.

Account name
The Account name field is synced from CRM integrations such as HubSpot, Salesforce, or Intercom. In some software this field is referred to as the 'Company name' field.

The Name field is the full name value for a contact. This data can come from any of our integrations. The field value will be overridden by the most recent integration synced for that contact. This will occasionally result in incorrect data if your integrations have different names for the same email address.

The Email field is the primary email value stored for a contact. Flywheel allows for more than one email to be stored on each contact record, but only the primary is supported via filters.

The Source field is synced from CRM integrations such as HubSpot, Salesforce, or Intercom. This represents which source a contact came when their email was first captured.

External created time
This field is synced from any of our integrations and matches the time that a record was created in software outside of Flywheel. For example, you may create a CRM record for a contact before they sign up.

The Level field is calculated from the contact’s Title. If there is no Title, we will not calculate a Level. The possible options for Level are:

  • Entry Level

  • Individual Contributor

  • Manager

  • Director

  • Executive

The Department field is calculated from the contact’s Title. If there is no Title, we will not calculate a Department. The possible values for Department are:

  • Marketing

  • Sales

  • Customer Success

  • Engineering

  • IT

  • Design

  • Administrative

  • Product

  • Project Manager

  • Human Resources

  • Accounting

  • Facilities

  • Operations

  • CXO

  • Legal

  • Investor

Owner name
The Owner name field selects the owner designated for this account. This field is synced from any of our CRM integrations, like HubSpot, Salesforce, or Intercom.

The Phone field is the phone number of a contact, synced from any of our integrations.

Event count
The Event count field is the total number of active events associated with a contact. This value does not include passive events, such as the number of emails sent to a contact.

Last seen
The Last seen field shows the datetime of the last active event associated with a contact.

Is payer
The Is payer field is synced from Stripe. If a contact has made a payment to your company via Stripe in the past, they will be marked as a payer.

Account fields

Account name
The name associated with an account. This field is synced from any of our integrations and will reflect the name most recently synced.

The pacing value assigned to a specific account. You can learn more about how we calculate Pacing here.

The Industry field is synced from any of our CRM integrations, such as HubSpot, Salesforce, or Intercom.

Employee count
The Employee reflects the estimated number of total employees at an account company. This field is synced from any of our CRM integrations, such as HubSpot, Salesforce, or Intercom.

The Domain field is the primary website domain of an account. This field is required to create an account.

The Owner field is the primary owner of an account. This field is synced from any of our CRM integrations, such as HubSpot, Salesforce, or Intercom.

Pricing plan
The Pricing plan field contains all of the subscriptions associated with an account from Stripe. This field can have multiple values if there are contacts at an account who are on different pricing plans. This is most commonly seen if individuals are able to create and pay on their own.

Editing a Segment

You can edit a Segment by navigating to the Segments page from the left navigation bar, clicking on a Segment name, and clicking on the ‘Edit’ button on the top right. You can now edit any of the filter conditions or the name of the Segment.

Exporting contacts in a Segment to CSV

Exporting the list of contacts in a Segment to CSV is easy. Simply navigate to the Segment you’d like to export contacts from and click on the ‘Export to CSV’ button. The maximum number of contacts that can be exported is 10,000. The fields included in the export will be name, email, title, firstName, and lastName.